What is likely to come next on roulette in online casino?

How do people know the pattern and what is likely to come next on roulette in an online casino?

I’ve seen people playing roulette on online casinos and they usually have a very good estimate of what comes next. What is their secret?

Question posted by: James B


It’s important to note that roulette is a game of chance, and each spin is independent of the previous ones. In a fair and unbiased roulette game, whether in a land-based casino or online, predicting the exact outcome of the next spin is impossible. Any perceived pattern or prediction technique is likely based on fallacies or mere coincidence.

However, some players use betting systems or strategies to manage their bankroll or increase their chances of winning in the short term. These systems often involve adjusting bet sizes based on previous outcomes, such as the Martingale, Fibonacci, or Labouchère systems. Keep in mind that while these systems may influence betting decisions, they do not change the odds or guarantee a win.

It’s also possible that players observing patterns in online roulette are experiencing confirmation bias, where they only notice outcomes that confirm their beliefs and ignore those that don’t. Remember, roulette is ultimately a game of luck, and no system or strategy can predict or change the outcome of the next spin.


  1. Luck.

    The past has no bearing on the future in roulette.

    If black comes up 9 times in a row, there is still a 9/19 chance of black coming up the next time, just like every other time.

  2. Actually online casinos aren’t the same as the real world, it isn’t truly random, and they can be hacked(they are). Even real world roulette can be figured(depending on the person spinning the wheel) In this world nothing is what it seems.

  3. Perhaps what you think you are seeing isn’t actually what you are seeing. A winning “player” at the table might not be a player at all…he might be the computer that is hosting the game!

    All the graphics you see while playing online are just for show (the wheel spinning, the ball bouncing around, etc). The outcome of the game is determined by a random number and I see no reason why the outcome couldn’t be determined BEFORE bets are placed and the wheel is spun. So the computer could place a fake “player” at the table that seems to do well.

    When people see at least one person winning as opposed to the entire table losing, they are more likely to continue (“it’s not a cold table, that guy is stilll winning”). The computer will have the “fake” player hit and miss, but still put him ahead in $.

    Finally, if people start betting on the same numbers as the “fake” player, the computer can just redraw a random number after the bets have been placed. The game still remains fair, but deceptive.

  4. They don’t know, they’re just guessing better than you. Pattern recognition in roulette is a common myth forwarding by people selling “secrets” of how to win roulette. If they worked, they’d be making millions playing roulette, not selling systems for $50 or less.

    Here’s an example of why pattern recognition does not work:

    Say you’re betting red and black, and red came up 3 times in a row. If you are looking for a pattern, you could say red will come again, since red winning is a pattern. But you could also say that black is going to hit the next 3 in a row, because the same color hitting 3 in a row is the pattern. Which is right? Neither! Patterns only reveal themselves in retrospect, and therefore cannot be used to predict future outcomes.

  5. Have you ever walked into a live casino and looked at a roulette table? Above the table is normally a number tracker showing the past 20 numbers spun on the wheel. This invention has made more money for the casinos than an other in the past 20 years. People believe in patterns even when they do not exist.

  6. It has everything to do with luck and fortune. There is absolutely no pattern in roulette. This is because the game wheel has no internal memory (unless it is electronically rigged), and does not keep records of the numbers that have come up before. This common misconception is how casinos rake in so much money at this game.

    In any clean game, each number is just as likely as any other to come up in any given turn. In American casinos, this means that red 9 has a 1/38 chance of coming up (1/37 in Europe); EVERY SINGLE TURN, no matter what combination of numbers has come up in the past.

    Read up on a concept called “gambler’s fallacy” to understand more about why so many people lose money at this game by trying to find an inherent pattern where none is designed to exist.

  7. It’s important to gamble with an online casino that has a good reputation. Most online casinos can set the odds totally in their favor, especially with a gamble like roulette. I’m not aware of a pattern in which a person can predict a roulette wheel, on or off-line.

  8. I always play roulette and can stay afloat for a long period of time by tracking the history of winning numbers.
    There is no exact strategy but I use the theory of probability to predict the outcome of the next spin by making several bets on different sectors, colors, rows, numbers etc. The general idea is simple – if you see 2 reds in a row, bet on black, if 3-4 previous numbers are from 13-36 range, you should try placing a bet on 1-12 sector, etc.
    This strategy does not give you the edge but you can enjoy small wins almost on every spin…
    Some articles on roulette systems can be found here:

  9. if you can guess correctly heads or tails when you flip a quarter then u will be good at roulette. so get going. 50+% luck involved.

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