
Always win on the roulette games in casinos?

how can we always win on the roulette games in casinos?

john r asked:
i want to know if there are some tricks-mathematical formulaes etc-which we can use to always win on the roulette game in casinos?


There is no foolproof method, trick, or mathematical formula to always win at roulette in casinos. Roulette is a game of chance, and the house always has an edge over the players due to the presence of the zero (or double zero in American roulette) on the wheel.

However, some strategies can help you manage your bets and potentially reduce your losses over time. These strategies do not guarantee a win but may help you increase your chances of making a profit or minimize your losses.

Some popular roulette betting strategies include:

  1. Martingale System: A progressive betting system where you double your bet after each loss until you win. This strategy aims to recover all previous losses with a single win.
  2. Fibonacci System: A betting system based on the Fibonacci sequence of numbers, where you increase your bet following the sequence after each loss and revert to the initial bet after a win.
  3. Labouchère System: A cancellation betting system where you create a series of numbers and bet the sum of the first and last numbers. If you win, you remove those numbers from the series; if you lose, you add the sum to the end of the series.
  4. D’Alembert System: A betting system where you increase your bet by one unit after a loss and decrease it by one unit after a win.

Please note that these strategies do not guarantee success and should be used with caution. Gambling should always be approached responsibly, and you should never bet more than you can afford to lose. The best way to enjoy roulette is to play for entertainment, accepting the inherent risks, and not expecting to win consistently.


  1. I didnt know they allowed dogs in to casino’s? Maybe the blind ones they do but hey they can’t see the roulette wheel so wont be much help!

  2. there is no way to ALWAYS win thats why its called gambling.
    roulette wheels usually have fur around them so welcome to the dogs section!!!!!!!

  3. Begin with a minimum of $350..Place small bet ($5) first time, and double each time, whether it wins or not. Stay on the same color/odd-even, etc. You will win (come out ahead) consistantly in small amounts every night..You will come out $150-(most common)$400 (max) ahead of the original investment, if you put in about 6-8 hours and stay consistant.

    ….IF it is an honest wheel

  4. If there was a surefire way to win, do you think the casinos would let you stay? Do you think they’d let you write the book on “cheat codes” for gambling? I’ll drink what you’re drinking if you think there’s a quick fix to not losing your shirt.

    However, if you play smaller odds like black, red, or odd or even, and watch the board for gaps in tri-sectors (1-12, 13-24 and 25-36) you will lose your money slower, maybe even come out ahead.

    Good luck out there. I live in Vegas. Maybe I’ll see you there.

  5. There’s no way to *always* win, however there are ways to improve your odds. Unfortunately they are illegal. The Casinos believe that they should always have a built in advantage and if you do anything to reverse that they get very upset.

    There have been several methods applied to beating roulette, I’ve included a couple of links below. The Serbian laser scanners were probably the most potentially effective.

    But there’s no always.

    There’s a reason why casinos are huge businesses run by rich people. They always win.

  6. Yeah swallow all the money you were going to bet and whatever comes out the other end will be more than what you will win anyway and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you did it yourself and were in control of the game at all times!

  7. There are no sure things…no free lunch…nothing new under the sun…if there was such a thing, how do you think the casinos would make money? Get a job. And get out of the Dogs category.

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